First2Act Patient

If you suffer from asthma or are a healthcare professional working with asthma patients then you are in the right place. The findings and educational materials listed below are part of a project that aimed to train nursing and medical students to undertake research interviews with young people with asthma. Based on these findings we were able to produce an interactive You Tube clip where users are able to make decisions about medication delivery and who to call for help.


Thanks to the project team Louise Allen1, Alison Beauchamp2, Shane Bullock3, Robyn Cant1, Nicole Coombs11, Anita Giannis1, Lisa McKenna4, and Susan Waller3. [1-Federation University Australia; 2-Deakin University; 3-Monash University; 4-LaTrobe University]

Funding: Australian Department of Health.

The following link illustrates how to perform a research interview. This is quite different from taking a medical history and aims to draw out participants’ experiences in the field of interest (in this case their asthma experiences)

Asthma project: how to perform a research interview

‘Help Trent Vent’

Based on interviews with young people we produced an interactive You Tube clip that illustrates the experiences of asthma sufferers and uses their words and phrases. Trent is a young man with asthma who has just arrived at his University accomodation. He goes out for a run on a cold day and forgets to take his Ventolin puffer.

You will need to help Trent decide on the best way to take his puffer and who to call for help. If you make the right decisions he will get better… If you don’t he won’t! Have a go and help Trent to Vent.